Photo Gallery of PC Cards

My OrangePC 530. Although a more robust feature set (see the cable below, multiple cpu jumper settings available), I had little luck with this particular item. Probably damamaged goods. Ebay: you win some, you lose some.

OrangePC 'Hydra' cable for the 530 PC card. Every imaginable PC connection is here; ethernet, video, midi, joystick...


Even though it didn't like the AMD k6-3 450 I tried to plug into it, The 620 was still my fav even with only the k6-2 300 and windows 95. Not bad at all.


Not as option-tastic as the 530 'Hydra' cable, but simplicity at its best. One end plugs into your Macs video card, the other to the PC card. Plug your monitor into the other slot on the PC card. Done.    


 Straight up Mac "Compatibility Card"... I think that's a 486 on there...