Update 2: still nothing...


OK, following both the instructions here http://www.mail-archive.com/mac-n-dos@mail.maclaunch.com/msg01185.html 
1) Check dip switches for cpu AMD K6-3 400mhz (check here for settings http://www.mandrake.demon.co.uk/Apple/omweb/orangepcfaqs.html#Anchor-6296) check.
2) remove any other PCI cards and move OrangePC 620 to new slot. check.
3) Delete preferences file for orangepc (found in macHardDrive/System Folder/Preferences). check.
4) Start OrangePCi app.  Create 2 hard-drive images, each at least 500mb in size, set as C and D drives.  Point the floppy setting to a bootable floppy image (provided on OrangePCi easy install cd). check.
5) hit "cold boot"
6) system hangs...
7) repeat 1-3, follow steps from mail-archive.com(link above...) I get to step 5 on that sites list...system hangs...
8) turn off virtual memory, repeat step 7...system hangs...
It would seem that no matter what steps I take, the system will hang once I click the "cold boot" button, or double clicking on the OrangePci app/icon while a preference file is in place.  The only time double clicking on the OrangePci app/icon works is when the preference file has been deleted...
I wonder if a software or Os update/patch might fix this???
PS the last thing I see when the "system hangs" is the OrangePCi app splash screen that says "initializing" at the bottom...