Les Paul wiring Part 2
Okay, now I'm good.

I've just finished updating the wiring job from the other week... Swapped out the Blusebucker for a vintage Lawrence L-500. As much as I like the Blusebucker, it is not versatile at all. It's also much easier to clean up a hot pickup. So, I've also added a EQ/L filter circuit on the tone controls push pull (no more standard tone control either). (using the wiring diagram found here http://guitarsbyfender.yuku.com/sreply/55639/Q-L-Filter-DPDT)
So, the L-500 adds in the option of going full out metal, but also, with the Q-filter, can be dialed back for some really clean sounds. (looking for a link to a great explanation of the L filter and EQ filters, which the tone push-pull switch toggles between... found this archive.org link, can't find it on the site it was http://guitarsbyfender.yuku.com/ ...)
...From the Man himself:
The Q-Filter is an LCR network - a 1 henry, low Q noisefree inductor in series with a .02 micro farad cap in parallel with an 8 kilo ohm resistor. Wired like a cap to a tone pot, you can gradually decrease the impedance of the circuit but maintaining a slightly higher impedance below 1100 Hertz. Also available without the cap and the resistor to gradually decrease the impedance of the pickup.
The EQ system is the most versatile system to alter the sound of a guitar and can be used for multiple functions. The basic components are a 900mh low Q inductor in series with a capacitor and a variable resistor (tone pot). We used to ship it as a complete pre-tuned unit to replace the cap at the tone pot, limited for one basic function. However, in conjunction with different pickups in different positions, it's much more versatile when the inductor is separated from the cap, like [shipped now]. In the past, this caused severe problems when players used the wrong caps and resistors, especially when the EQ was wired to a switch only. The system must be wired to a control or you totally limit its functions, as follows:
Function A - the L Filter - the inductor, wired like a cap to the tone pot.
When you turn the pot from 10 to 0, you slowly reduce the impedance of the pickup. This is equal to taking turns off the pickup or making a sweet clean pickup out of a high power, overdrive pickup. This works fine for the neck pickup. With the control set below 3, the impedance is much too low so we block the control with a fixed 10 kilo ohm resistor or don't turn the control below 3 or 4.
Function B - the EQ Filter
On the bridge pickup, we want to maintain more lows so we block the inductor with a resistor in parallel with a cap. Now, when you turn the control to zero and you use hi-fi speakers, you can duplicate the sound of an acoustic guitar. With the controls on 3, you can get out of the bridge pickup, the #4 position sound of a Strat.
So, if I've done this correctly, the push pull on the tone control should toggle between function A and B.
Here's the lastest diagram:

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